Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 2 January30, 2012
Guten Morgan
So the MTC is still going really well. We're learning a whole ton about the gospel everyday. The spirit is so strong here and blesses us each day with new knowledge and insight. The German is going really well too. This week has been very optimistic because we have reached that point where we have full confidence that the Lord will have us prepared for Germany. Brother Olsen sent me a letter in the mail the other day- it was all in German. I was able to understand just about all of it which was very encouraging.
The two zone leaders for our branch are leaving in a week to Germany so they called Elder Davies and I to be the new zone leaders of our branch. Elder Gubler is going to take my spot as district leader.
So I am actually leaving the MTC on March 19, not the 20. Not a big difference but one none the less. They don't really have an advanced class for German here. You either come in knowing the language and then put you through the English missionary schedule, or you stay here for your whole duration unless you pick the language up really really fast.
The cafeteria food is nothing spectacular, but its not bland or disgusting. They have had a lot of variety so far which has been nice. Mom you would be so proud of me; I've been doing really well with eating vegetables and fruit and I have not been eating "all that I can".
On the 3rd day of the MTC we were assigned to teach an investigator, every day- in German. This week we have picked up another- Michael and Patrik. Granted they are just actors but it gets to you when you teach and you take it so seriously.
Well, my cold is gone, but all my roommates except the French elders have a cold instead now. Good thing we get along well or else I'd be scared they would hate me for giving it to them.
Here is my shout out to Elder Pickard! Congratulations on your mission call to NY, NY North spanish speaking. I guess you will have to give up your Red Socks pride for two years. Here is my advice to you and to all future missionaries coming in:
1. Read all of Preach my Gospel and watch "The District" on your missionary account and if you can - read "The Book of Mormon, The Key to Conversion" by Glenn Pearson
2. Come in with a good attitude. Yes, you'll have your moments of homesickness, but the more you put in to your work and your desire to serve, the more you'll get out. This experience will be as good as you want it to be.
3. Brush up on your language before you come, but don't worry about the language either. You learn by the Holy Ghost. The first few days you'll feel overwhelmed because the teacher rarely speaks in English, but you catch on quickly. My companion has had no experience with German before he came and is coming along wonderfully.
4. Learn the Gospel. If you repeat it, it means its really important. Learn the Gospel. Learn the Gospel. Learn the Gospel. That's the most important thing to do. Your personal testimony of Jesus Christ is so critical to the life of the mssionary. You'll be so far ahead if you are constantly working to learn more about our Heavenly Father and his Son. As you devote yourself to studying and drawing closer to our Savior he will bless you so strongly with the spirit to help you understand how to teach his children. Learn the gospel.
5. Don't drink the Orange Juice in the MTC.
6. Come in humbly, with love in your heart. This is just as important as learning the gospel, I just don't want to retype it over and over.
It's so exciting to see that so many missionaries are devoting their time and efforts to this work. I'm thrilled for what will come in the future because of it.
I have to go now, but I love you all. I hope everything is going really well.
Ich gebe zeugnis dass der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzen Tag der Kirche Gottes ist. Durch der Macht Gott, hat Joseph Smith der Kirche und der Priestertum wiederhergestellt. Ich weiss Jesus Christus fur uns sunen hat. Er ist mein Erloser und Herr. Ich weiss Gott alles seine kinder lieben und segnen. Wir Konnen uber das Buch Mormon beten und weiss es wahr its. Ich sage diese dinge in Namen Jesus Christus, Amen.
Keep the Faith
Elder Bodily with Bishop Borup and Stake President McGinn as he was set apart on the evening of January 17, 2012

Elder Bodily and companion with President and Sister Watson and Brother and Sister Jones in MTC,  Jan. 29.

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